How to start your sales career with no experience

If you’re looking to start a sales career but don’t have any experience, never fear! There are plenty of opportunities out there for those with the drive and ambition to succeed. Most people have a snarky old fashion way of thinking about salespeople. The first stereotype that comes to mind about salespeople are used car salesmen. But in reality, salespeople are so much more than that!

In order to be a salesperson, you don’t need to have years and years of experience. In fact, many sales jobs are entry-level positions! All you need is the willingness to learn and the drive to succeed.

There are many different types of sales jobs out there, so it’s important to find one that aligns with your skills and interests. Do some research on different companies and see which ones seem like a good fit for you. Once you’ve found a few companies you’re interested in, reach out to them and see if they have any openings.

You also must understand what sales actually is. Sales is the process of educating and persuading someone to buy a product or service. It’s about understanding the needs of your customer and then finding the right solution to meet those needs.

Once you have a good understanding of sales, you can start to look for opportunities. There are many sales roles out there, from entry-level sales jobs to more senior positions. The key is to find the right role for your skills and experience.

If you don’t have any direct sales experience, then look for roles that will give you exposure to the sales process. For example, you could consider working in customer service or marketing. These roles will give you a good understanding of how businesses operate and how to deal with customers.

The most important thing to remember is that sales is a process. It’s not about being pushy or aggressive, it’s about understanding the needs of your customer and then finding the right solution to meet those needs. If you can do that, then you’ll be well on your way to a successful sales career!

Here are a few tips on how to get started:

1. Network, network, network! Get connected with as many people in the industry as possible. Attend sales conferences and meetups, follow sales thought leaders on social media, and introduce yourself to salespeople at companies you admire.

2. Read everything you can about sales. Sales is a complex topic with a lot of moving parts, so the more you know about it, the better equipped you’ll be to sell successfully. Pick up a few sales books or join an online sales community like SalesHacker, QuotaCrusher, or HireAE’s LinkedIn Newsletter for sales and interview advice.

3. Find a sales mentor. A sales mentor can be invaluable in helping you learn the ropes and providing guidance and advice as you start your sales career. If you don’t know anyone who can mentor you, reach out to sales leaders in your network and see if they’re willing to chat with you on a regular basis.

4. Get a job in sales. The best way to learn sales is by getting out there and doing it. Even if you start out in an entry-level sales role, you’ll gain valuable experience and knowledge that will help you throughout your career.

5. Practice, practice, practice. Sales is a skills-based profession, so the more you practice your sales skills, the better you’ll become. Make sure to role-play with a friend or colleague on a regular basis, and try to put yourself in as many sales situations as possible.

Bonus: Customer Service is the #1 gateway into sales jobs. If you want to get your foot in the door, start by applying for customer service roles. Many sales jobs require at least 1-2 years of customer service experience.

If you’re interested in a sales career but don’t have any experience, don’t despair! With the right mindset and some hard work, you can be successful in sales. has sales training and events that are taught by current sales managers, directors, and elite professionals who love to mentor.

By following these tips, you can start your sales career without experience and set yourself up for success. So get out there and start selling!