13 Best Questions To Ask In a Sales Interview

The importance of asking the right questions during a job interview is often underestimated. Asking the right questions not only shows that you’re truly interested in the role sales, but it also allows you to learn more about the company sales, the team sales, and the expectations for the role sales.

With that said sales, here are 13 great questions to ask a sales interviewer sales:

  1. What does the sales process look like at the company?
  2. What are the quotas and expectations for sales employees?
  3. What type of sales training do new hires receive?
  4. What are some best practices for sales success at the company?
  5. What are some common objections that prospects give during sales calls?
  6. How does the company handle sales compensation?
  7. What are the most important skills for sales success at the company?
  8. What type of personality do salespeople at the company tend to have?
  9. What is the average deal size at the company?
  10. How long does the sales cycle tend to be?
  11. How is sales commission calculated?
  12. What is the go-to-market strategy for the company’s products or services?
  13. Who are the ideal customers for the company’s products or services?
  1. What does the sales process look like at the company? Understanding this answer provides valuable insights into how the company operates, what their sales goals are, and what type of salesperson they are looking for.
  2. What are the quotas and expectations for sales employees? This question will help you gauge whether or not you will be able to meet the expectations of the role and if the company’s sales culture is competitive or collaborative.
  3. What type of sales training do new hires receive? This question will help you understand the company’s investment in sales education and whether or not This question will give you insight into how the company develops its salesforce and how they view sales education and professional development.
  4. What are some best practices for sales success at the company? Asking this question shows that you are interested in learning about the company’s sales methods and procedures.
  5. What are some common objections that prospects give during sales calls? This question helps you to understand what type of objections you may encounter while selling for the company and how the company likes to handle them.
  6. How does the company handle sales compensation? Knowing how sales commission is calculated and paid out will help you to understand how you will be compensated for your sales efforts.
  7. What are the most important skills for sales success at the company? This question allows you to find out what qualities the company values in their salespeople.
  8. What type of personality do salespeople at the company tend to have? The answer to this question will give you a better understanding of the type of environment you will be working in and whether or not it is a good fit for your personality.
  9. What is the average deal size at the company? This question will help you understand what kind of sales the company typically makes and what type of budget their clients have.
  10. How long does the sales cycle tend to be? Knowing the length of the sales cycle will help you to understand how long it may take to close a deal and get paid.
  11. How is sales commission calculated? Asking this question will help you to understand how you will be compensated for your sales efforts.
  12. What is the go-to-market strategy for the company’s products or services? Knowing the go-to-market strategy will help you to understand the company’s sales goals and how they plan to achieve them.
  13. Who are the ideal customers for the company’s products or services? This question allows you to find out what type of customer the company is targeting with their product or service. By asking these questions, you will be able to gain valuable insights into the sales process, culture, and expectations at the company. Of course, if you are able to complete the research first to find this answer, it will reveal that you are resourceful and not applying for a random job.